News chez TTT&T

Is History Boring?

Our mission at Time Traveler Tours & Tales is to Make. History. Fun.

So this summer, to test whether we are on the right track, Team TTT&T surveyed dozens of teachers and parents of teens and 'tweens on the challenges they face turning young people on to history.

We reveal some of their survey responses, paraphrased and thematically grouped, below.


Please feel free to add your own in the comments following this post...


Challenge #1: History is Dry, Dull, Difficult

The way history is presented is all too often dry and not always developmentally appropriate.”

”No amount of outlining textbook content will help my son to memorize dates and understand time-lines. For him, this just makes the study of history difficult.”

”I teach 6th grade and somehow by the time students reach me, history’s already got a bad name.”

”Leading figures in history have been reduced to names and dates on a history test.”

”The teaching of history seems to display a linear progression of public events, a changing landscape of wars and kingdoms and governments. That’s the perfect presentation to fit a test-driven society, but not one that tells the whole story.

Response: Make History Personal.

Connect historical characters and events to kids’ own lives.”

”Have them interview their elders, record these stories, then make their own time-lines, linking the lives of their ancestors to historical times and places.”

”Offer kids first-hand experiences, like field trips and theater-based activities, that help them imagine the world then, so that they may build valid associations to now.”

”Offer them great, age-appropriate biographies of fascinating historical characters pitched to their particular interest and reading level.

Challenge #2: Comprehending Time in the Past

Helping students to understand the concept of time, e.g., 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, is a huge challenge.”

”Kids are bored by the distant past.”

”They think, ‘Old equals boring.’ They ask, ‘Why should this matter to me?’

Response: Make History Accessible and Relevant.

Use authentic, or primary source, materials, such as music, art, food, toys, fashion. These things make history more ‘real’ to students.”

”Show them that history is always repeating itself; that it isn’t just events that happened once in a linear fashion, but have recurred throughout time and all over the world.”

”In every major time period, there is one thing that has shaped the way kids live today. Make it like a mystery for them to figure out.”

”Encourage young people to read novels set in the era being studied. The greatest stories share the humanity in history and can be found in literature.

Challenge #3: It Doesn’t Concern Me

It’s the same attitude they have toward math: ‘When am I gonna use this?’”

”If young people don’t see how something has an effect on them, they find it difficult to care.”

”Students are history illiterate. They don’t understand the value of looking backward.”

”Students don’t see how history is relevant to what they need to get a job.

Response: Make History Real.

STORIES! That’s what makes history come alive. Travis and Crockett at the Alamo. Henry VIII. Lincoln at Gettysburg. Shooting the tsar in the cellar. Hitler in his bunker while Berlin burns. First steps on the moon. Malcolm X and Dr. King. Who could make up somebody like Ivan the Terrible?”

”All my greatest history teachers, from grade school to college, were also great storytellers.”

”I think it’s important to emphasize the stories in history – complete with hook, character development, story arc, and relevance to today.”

”Show them that history is a giant story full of rich characters and fascinating settings.

So, what do you think? Are we on the right track? Does the world have room for a company whose sole mission is to Make. History. Fun?

*  *  *

Learn all about our dramatically-new Curriculum Handbook,
from TTT&T Curriculum Developer, Marcie Colleen.

Turning kids on to history?

Join our Teacher Vanguard today!

Turning Kids on to History? Join the TTT&T Community!

Sarah Towle speaks with Marcie Colleen, Curriculum Developer for Time Traveler Tours & Tales, about curriculum writing, Process Drama, and her all-new Curriculum Handbook for Beware Madame la Guillotine.

Coming September 2014, just in time for Back to School, it’s perfect for Social Studies, History, English Language Arts as well as Dramatic Arts classrooms, and an excellent complement to European and World History curricula.

But the fun doesn't stop there.

To test and distribute this dramatically-new teaching and learning tool, Sarah and Marcie are opening the doors to authors and educators worldwide dedicated to turning kids on to history.

Join TTT&T’s Teacher Vanguard today! Get both curriculum guide and book FREE in exchange for your feedback. Become part of an international discussion on immersive teaching practice.

Don't wish to join the Vanguard?
But still want access to the BMLG Curriculum Handbook?

Pre-order your copy at the low introductory rate of just $9.99.
Available for pdf download by 15 Sept 2014.

Process Drama: A Valuable Teaching Tool Bound to Infuse your STEM Classroom with STEAM!

Time Traveler Tours & Tales’ dramatically new Curriculum Handbook for Beware Madame la Guillotine is nearly here! Developed by theater educator and children’s author, Marcie Colleen, our debut Curriculum Handbook uses Process Drama to bring Revolutionary Paris to life within the classroom walls. It is “interactivity” at its very best. And bound to bring your STEM classroom to a roiling boil!

Process drama does not require a dramatic arts teacher. It does not use familiar theater devices, such as scripts, costumes, actors, and stage crew. Rather, it is a creative instructional method that offers teachers and students the experience of an event, a place, or a time period through facilitated improvisation.

According to theater scholar and educator, Cecily O’Neill, process drama begins with “a task to be undertaken, a decision to be made, or a place to be explored.” Working from this prompt, the teacher and students create an imaginary world and work to address the challenges and opportunities of that world through dramatic interpretation.

There is no written script. The “drama” is not presented on a stage. Nor is there need of an audience. The drama is “set” in a classroom. It might extend over the course of an hour, several days, or even weeks. And it involves all students. The drama unfolds at the hands of these student-actor-researchers as they explore and become part of a particular moment, breakthrough, or event in historical time.

With Marcie’s brilliant complement to Beware Madame la Guillotine the interactive tale (available at Amazon and on the iBookstore), students time travel to the French Revolution and bear witness to it first hand. They walk in the shoes of protagonist, Charlotte Corday. They experience the tremendous social and political upheaval of the time through her eyes. They absorb the ins and outs of this dense historical period in an immersive, play-like way. They take it all in and make sense through their 21st century lens. They make history relevant to today.

Process drama can play a powerful role in any classroom, even in science. But it is particularly well matched to language arts, history, and social studies curricula, especially when teaching literary genre, social concepts, or history far removed from students’ own lives. Through improvised dramas, students experience content personally, providing a deeper connection to the material, thus gaining a higher order understanding of the subject being taught. It all turns on empathy.

Process drama is a complex tool, yes, but one that offers teachers depth and breadth across the curriculum. Marcie’s example stands as an excellent illustration that turns an otherwise dense and potentially tedious historical subject for young people into a luminous and textured tale of scandal and passion, intrigue and treachery.

Turning kids on to history?
Join Marcie and me and our growing community of educatiors
at The TTT&T Teacher Vanguard today!

For more information on Process Drama, we recommend this article from Kennedy Center's ArtsEdge.

Just in Time for Back-2-School! Marcie Colleen’s Curriculum Handbook for Beware Madame la Guillotine is Now Available

Today's guest post is by Marcie Colleen, Curriculum Developer for Time Traveler Tours & Tales, who has just completed the first of what we all hope will be a series of Curriculum Handbooks for our future titles suites. With the Beware Madame la Guillotine Curriculum Handbook, Marcie has managed to extract all the juicy goodness from the story, and then make it ever better!
Thank you, Marcie! Now, take it away...

As a Curriculum Writer, I am like a translator: Every project I take on must be uniquely tailored to the nuances and intentions of the originating title. Therefore, when Sarah Towle approached me to create the Curriculum Handbook for Beware Madame La Guillotine, I knew it had to be vibrant as her interactive tale. But more than that, it had also to be connected to the heart and mission of her developing digital publishing company, Time Traveler Tours & Tales.

The interactive StoryApp Tour of Beware Madame La Guillotine brings to life, through narrative storytelling and extension games, the streets of Paris during the French Revolution. By compelling family and educational travelers to follow in the footsteps of the story’s protagonist—to literally stand on the very ground she stood upon—the interactive StoryApp washes away the modern day and reveals the world of the Revolution for its reader/users. History enthusiasts need only figure out how to travel to Paris; Sarah’s brilliant StoryApp completes their journey by taking them back in time.

The challenge for me was to apply this same concept, heart, and mission to make the French Revolution come alive within the classroom walls. So, just as Sarah’s interactive StoryApp brings the streets of late-18th century Paris to life through dramatic storytelling, I resolved that the Beware Madame La Guillotine Curriculum Handbook would bring the classroom to life through the dramatic recreation of Revolutionary Paris. The only travel necessary would be through imagination and historic exploration.

It was then time to lay a solid foundation onto which teachers and students could create an enriching, full sensory classroom experience to complement either the interactive or print versions of Beware Madame La Guillotine. To do so, I focused on the following elements:

Narrative Thread. Every good story has a hook. And every good lesson plan does, too. The Beware Madame La Guillotine Curriculum Handbook is designed to pose compelling questions to keep students’ curiosity piqued; to keep them wanting to know more and to discover what will happen next. This is done not through the delivery of facts and statistics as in a traditional approach to education. But instead, by first introducing themes, then deepening their complexity, then inviting students to research the facts and figures themselves.

In Session One, for example, students meet Charlotte Corday, the story’s main character, as a typical young French woman of the late 18th century. They then learn that she was condemned to death by beheading. They are left wondering why. They want to know how a well-educated convent-school girl came to murder a man and thus become a central figure in the unfolding Revolution. Their intrigue leads students on an intrinsically motivated exploration of the life and times of Charlotte Corday, not because they will be tested on the subject, but because they are hooked. 

The Five Senses. Every traveler knows that when experiencing a new location all five senses are on alert, soaking up the novel atmosphere. Simulating this reality in the classroom required some creativity. To do so, I drew on lessons from Process Drama to engage students using hands-on, sensory-based techniques to build the world of the French Revolution in their classroom. In this world, students are transported through imaginative play to explore issues and solve problems within the story’s context, thus gaining a greater understanding of the historical period, its people, and issues. Supplemental reading, writing, and research investigations broaden the scope of learning while also adding to the work within the drama.

For a wonderful introduction to Process Drama, I highly recommend The Kennedy Center ArtsEdge article: Process Drama: Taking a Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes. Many of the aspects discussed within this article can be found within the Beware Madame La Guillotine Curriculum Handbook.

Cross-Curricular Exploration. Educators around the globe recognize that learning and retention are deepened when students explore a topic or theme from multiple perspectives. In the US, the Common Core State Standards, for example, have students reading and writing in all subject areas…not just in the English Language Arts. At the Middle and High School levels there is a pull away from the reliance on textbooks and a shift toward using primary sources as well as compelling narrative non-fiction.

The Beware Madame La Guillotine Curriculum Handbook utilizes Sarah Towle’s captivating interpretation of Charlotte’s story as a jumping off point for further research, making it suitable for English, Social Studies, History, Drama, and even French classrooms. The Handbook also lends itself to cooperative inter-disciplinary teaching. Such curricular crossover makes for increased learning time, allowing students to become further saturated in the historical period while studying it through various lenses and from multiple angles.

Building Better Citizens. State-of-the-art teaching methodologies seek to reflect the way the world works, to point out that life is seldom black or white, but contains many shades of gray. Throughout history, as today, choices have been debated, sometimes fought over. Decisions have made that are not always agreed upon. There is rarely a right or wrong answer. The sooner students are taught how to function in such a landscape, the better they are for it.

The Beware Madame La Guillotine Curriculum Handbook is developed to help students think beyond a single point of view. By playing multiple roles, they walk in the shoes of others and thus develop empathy and a broader worldview. This builds space for reflection and self-investigation, while also providing the framework in which conflicting opinions may be safely shared. As visitors to another time period, it is not our job to bring judgment. Charlotte’s sentence has already come to pass. But with the Beware Madame La Guillotine Curriculum Handbook, students become more than mere observers of history: they become active participants, invited to form rich and honest opinions that may even find application in the world today. 

Needless to say, I am proud of Beware Madame La Guillotine Curriculum Handbook. I am excited that teachers around the globe now have the opportunity to share the gripping story of Charlotte Corday and the French Revolution with their students in a way that promotes collaboration, participation, investigation, and self-reflection. I am also incredibly honored to be a part of Team TTT&T, and I look forward to creating similar Curriculum Handbooks for future titles.

Please check out my Curriculum Handbook and the eponymous title by Sarah Towle. You don’t need a passport or luggage for this adventure, but beware—imagination can be so vivid, you may lose your head!

Interested in obtaining a FREE copy of both Marcie’s Handbook
and Sarah’s interactive or print book
in exchange for your honest feedback?
Join the TTT&T Teacher Vanguard today.
Contact us here for details.

Authors Helping Teachers Helping Students: 3 Tips and 5 Tricks for Turning Your Book into a Teaching Tool

Authors of all stripes – fiction or nonfiction, picture book to YA – have a fantastic opportunity to create a Win-Win-Win for themselves, teachers, and students, alike, by crafting quality teaching aids to supplement their books.

This is exactly what Marcie Colleen and I had in mind when we set out to design the drama-tically new, hot-off-the-presses Curriculum Handbook for Beware Madame la Guillotine.

Here are some tips we picked up along the way that might help you turn your book into a teaching tool too…

Tip #1: Start by focusing on learning outcomes for your grade or age group. 

Educational systems the world over – and I’ve had access to those on four continents! – lay out learning goals for students to reach and the desired milestone dates and times for attaining them. Teachers use these goals when developing their classroom curricula. So you should too.

The best place to start, therefore, is by researching the desired skills and learning outcomes of your particular target audience. To help get you started, here’s my personally developed general outline of skills-based goals shared by both the US Common Core State Standards as well as the International Baccalaureate Early Years, Middle Years, and Diploma Programmes:

Learning Outcomes, Primary:

  • Developing visual literacy: What does a picture communicate?

  • Recognizing text features: Action words vs. describing words, for example, as well as metaphor, simile, personification, alliteration, etc.

  • Understanding voice and point of view

  • Identifying connections and relationships, both within text as well as between texts

  • Comparing multi-media examples of text, such as the book vs. the movie

Learning Outcomes, Secondary (add the following to the list above):

  • Critical thinking skills

  • Intellectual inquiry: Asking inquiring questions

  • Research skills: Finding answers to your questions

  • Scientific process: Developing a hypothesis and trying to prove it

  • Interpretation, analysis, synthesis, and communication of meaning in text

  • Communicating understanding in writing and other presentation formats

Tip #2: Consider the steps a student might need to take to reach those goals.

Tip #3: Then prepare tools that will guide them there.

To make meaning of a text, students need to be able to recognize the key ideas and supporting details.

Trick #1: Create a set of discussion questions to accompany each of your book’s chapters. Cue these questions off scenes and/or illustrations in your book to inspire students to make predictions. Asking them to guess what might happen in a story not only verifies baseline understanding, but also exercises the comprehension of story structure in a non-didactic way. Always a plus!


To understand what’s happening in a book as you make your way through the plot, you need to be grounded in the setting.

Trick #2: How about a simple word-search game whereby students are asked to identify the phrases and vocabulary that provide clues to your story’s place and time?


Similarly, to really empathize with a protagonist – to walk in her shoes and see the world through his eyes – a reader needs to have gleaned many details from the text:  

  • The main character’s age, and that of the secondary character(s);

  • The historical time in which the characters live;

  • The main character’s personality traits;

  • His or her motivations;

  • The conflict, problem, or challenge he or she is trying to overcome.  

This lends itself the to the examination of “voice” in a story or text, and asks students to focus on such literary elements as word choice, point of view, language devices, and, once again, story structure.

Trick #3: Here’s where an author could create a worksheet— or even better, a smart board-compatible graphic organizer—on literary features and how they are used. Include examples from your book. Students may then be asked to write their own scenes, using these features, perhaps even in the “voice” of your story’s main character. Fun!

As for activities that aid in interpretation and finding deeper meaning in a text, point students to web-based aids that will enable them to design treasure hunts – my specialty!

Trick #4: Send them to Google Maps, for example, to plot the course of your main character’s journey. Invite them to search Google Images for pictures of how the story world might have looked, especially if it's historical, and what clothing styles were worn. Allow them to continue to explore from there. You may find them on YouTube searching for examples of popular music from that time. It may seem like play, especially to your students, but research shows that compiling visuals and playlists extend and deepen a reader’s sensory experience of a story. Besides, we learn through play. Even adults. So it's all good!


Finally, suggest other texts or media that students and teachers can view as a complement to your story. Movies and plays are especially fun.

Trick #5: Ask them to highlight the connections between these media as well as the contrasts. Compel them to explore the differences in voice by considering the personality of the writing in each format: Who is speaking? How do you know? How does the writing in each make you feel?

Or, you could really get really creative and use your book as a catalyst for turning the classroom into a stage just as Marcie Colleen has done with the Beware Madame la Guillotine Curriculum Handbook.

But more on that particular stroke of genius in a future post by the creator herself, Marcie Colleen…

It's not to late to get a FREE pdf of
Beware Madame la Guillotine.
We're offering a download for an Amazon review through August.

Request your copy today!