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Salzburg Global Seminar

Building on the 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report and recent Education for Tomorrow’s World work on language policy and social and emotional learning, this program will bring together experts, policymakers and practitioners from a wide range of organizations, sectors and countries to develop policy and financing solutions that can create better education outcomes and life chances for both refugees and displaced people and their host communities.

Over the course of the five-day program participants will address key questions, including:

  • How can learning environments help mitigate and reverse the effects of stress and trauma on students?

  • What scalable and transferable teacher training approaches can help educators develop safe and inclusive classrooms?

  • How can technological and policy solutions help address challenges around recognition of refugee and migrant education credentials?

  • How can education assessment, research, and interventions increase life chances for refugees, displaced peoples, and their host communities?

  • What can be done to ensure that multilingualism is seen as contributing positively to communities and societies?

  • How can social and emotional learning help to foster a sense of connectedness, solidarity, and cohesion between migrants and host communities?

  • After the 2018 Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration where are the early examples of international best practice and how can they be replicated?

During and immediately after the Salzburg program, participants and staff will co-create a number of strategic products to leverage the learning and recommendations from the meeting:

  • Advocacy: A Salzburg Statement will be jointly drafted to respond concisely to the Key Questions and serve as a call to action to help participants personally as well as their institutions and communities.

  • Online engagement: A series of online debates will be launched following the program to continue online engagement on a monthly basis around key questions raised through the program.

  • Multimedia outreach: A series of webinars and podcasts will discuss and disseminate the Salzburg Statement and multiply its impact in different settings. These will provide an opportunity to engage with many more people than are present at the meeting and bring the outcomes to new audiences.

  • Impact report: A report will subsequently be published summarizing the program as well as highlights from the Twitter and webinar debates that follow it.