Reviews, especially good ones, are a kind of social currency. If I give your book a positive review, someone else is more likely to take your book seriously, purchase it, and also post a glowing review.
Even a bad review, if well-founded, can be turned into a positive if you use it to update and improve your book or product.
True, not all good reviews guarantee quality content. Some are just plain fake. But the power of a positive review cannot be overstated.
It’s exactly this type of community engagement that has driven such powerful social engines as TripAdvisor.
So, on behalf of all content creators out there, when you buy your next favorite book or app, the one you think deserves mention, please take a moment to go back to the store where you bought it and send up a starred review.
It takes many years, a lot of faith, and valuable resources of both time and money to write a great book or to produce a winning app. Yet, it takes mere minutes to let an author or developer know how much you appreciate their efforts.
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