Excavating the secrets, scandals, and untold stories hiding below the surface of life, and giving voice to the characters who make or made those hiStories happen.
We live in revolutionary times, my friends. And except for the melting ice caps and unfortunate proliferation of weapons and plastic, I like this brave new world. It allows us to be generous. It demands that we be generous. The more generous we are, the better, in fact. Because with generosity, everybody wins.
This was never so obvious to me than during my team’s recent Kickstarter campaign. The success of our Kickstarter can be measured in many ways. Most visibly, 277 backers pledged $41,491 to help bring our project to life. They are all being publicly thanked on our website homepage here as part of our basic reward: the Social Media Shout Out of Gratitude.
But to stop the thanks there would neglect the many contributions of the friends, colleagues, team members, and even a few strangers-turned-friends, who showed up in droves to support our campaign by sharing of themselves. Their in-kind support not only resulted in campaign pledges, it also saved us money, and kept us going through the campaign downs as well as the ups.