TWA Certified Developer Program
In Part 4 of this debut series -- TEACHERS IN THE VANGUARD -- Jayne Clare and Anne Rachel, Co-Founders of Teachers With Apps, fill us in on their latest, greatest app-ventures:
In Part I, we learn how these two Teachers in the Vanguard moved quickly from pioneer app developers to creators of an app resource and discovery site that benefits a community of educators, parents and other care-givers now 50,000 strong.
In Part 2 of the series, we discover the criteria and considerations Anne and Jayne use when evaluating the apps they choose to recommend on the TWA site.
In Part 3, the two offer us insights, direct from the front lines, on the ever-evolving app industry, and the respect they share for developers of educational products.
Now, in this latest episode, we find out how Jayne and Anne have come to honor both worthy products and the people and organizations behind them: those developers who seem never fail at keeping children and learning at the forefront of their efforts.
If you have a question for Anne or Jayne, don't hesitate to click "comments" and ask. Thanks!