Excavating the secrets, scandals, and untold stories hiding below the surface of life, and giving voice to the characters who make or made those hiStories happen.
To think that two years ago this month we were pulling together our resources to launch the 2015 Kickstarter campaign that resulted in the product you will soon be holding in your hands. Exactly one year ago this week, I was on the ground in Florence, walking in Michelangelo’s footsteps, researching the tour for our coming story app. With Mary Hoffman’s manuscript acting as my portal to the past, I time-traveled to the Renaissance to treasure hunt for evidence of our narrator’s life and work. That’s also when I started to sow the seeds of our current partnerships with the Bargello Museum, Medici Chapels, San Lorenzo Basilica, Foundation Casa Buonarroti, Guided Florence Tours, Antica Torre Via Tornabuoni 1, and the Paperback Book Exchange.
I stepped off British Airways flight #0113 into JFK airport last week and was immediately swept up. The energy of New York and the excitement of the holiday season greeted me right along with the rushing people and traffic.
After the past several months working alone from my quiet London home at a convalescent’s pace and in relative isolation, I felt the vitality of both city and season pick me up like a giant hand and propel me into the arms of Team TTT&T and our much-anticipated four-day marathon huddle.
I’m so grateful to be back in the city I still consider “home,” and to be working alongside such talented and generous people again.