Back in the Saddle for a New Year!

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Happy New Year! Melissa here, Community Manager for Time Traveler Tours. Sarah is story hunting in Cuba at the moment and therefore offline.

While she's away, I thought I'd take the opportunity to log in and update everyone on some news and upcoming awesomeness we have in store for the next couple of months of 2017!  

Mary Hoffman & Time Traveler Tours' story tour coming to App stores in March 2017! But first...

...let me start with the status of the app release. During beta testing, we discovered that our instructions weren't grabbing the attention of our users enough to convey all of the really important information in there. As it's our goal to ensure that our product is always engaging -- whether title, instructions, hunts, or story -- we decided to fine tune the user experience (UX) in the opening screens of the app.

I think the update is much more striking and readable now. When you see our final product on your own device, I hope you check it out and let us know if it is indeed clear, and captures your attention. All of our changes have our users in mind.

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Title Change?

In other news, we're considering changing the app title from In the Footsteps of Giants to Buried Alive or Buried Treasure, with the tagline: The Secret Michelangelo Took to his Grave.

Let us know what you think. Here's a shot of our working iteration of the new cover. And here's a pdf of the story for your review. We hope you'll be ready to review the eBook when it, too, launches. Soon.

Sarah interviewed by talkRADIO UK's Martin Roberts!

talkRADIO UK's Martin Roberts interviewed Sarah live on December 27 and got a wonderful response to our mission and products! Martin spoke with Sarah for 10 minutes about travel ideas and trends for 2017, including how to stretch your money when choosing a location. They also discussed our apps and the TTT&T value add to the family tourism industry!

Have a listen! 

"History Heroes" Campaign Starting Soon!

We're developing a new campaign, called "History Heroes," so we want you to think of yours. What person from history do you admire the most, and why? Keep it in the back of your mind for our upcoming news!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are enjoying the start to a new year. We'll be in touch soon when Sarah is back to update us on her Cuba adventures!

Best Wishes,

Community Manager for TTT&T