It was better than a fairy tale.
From the moment Time Traveler Tours was chosen by HRH The Duke of York to participate in Pitch@Palace 7.0... the incredible learning gained from BootCamp at the University of Nottingham in the careful hands of my P@P mentors… honing and refining the Time Traveler Tours' business plan and pitch... being present at St. James Palace on the evening of 25 April 2017 with the opportunity to meet and pitch to some of the UK's most influential people…
...the experience these last month has been so extraordinary, I keep pinching myself.
For the first time since embarking on this startup journey all these years ago, Team TTT and I see the road ahead and it extends farther than ever toward the horizon. We feel more strongly than ever that #HistoryMattersNow, for a past forgotten is too easily repeated. We feel more confident than ever before in our proposition to #TurnHistoryOn.
Please join the Duke of York! Download BURIED ALIVE today. If you love it – and we trust you will – please rate and review it in your app store.
THREE years ago, Mary Hoffman and I conceived it.
TWO years ago, we kicked off the crowdfunding campaign to make it happen.
ONE year ago, we were in Florence to weave the story into the city as it was in 1530.
TODAY, BURIED ALIVE is out in the world and gaining traction (see this stellar review from School Library Journal). But to really pick up speed – to be seen by Apple, Google, reviewers, bloggers, educators, parents, youth, and viewers like you – it has to get into the hands of readers and users.
We need downloads in the thousands: we need to make a grand noise!
One big spike in numbers will give it visibility. That’s why it is currently FREE – so that each one of you will grab it and give it a whirl.
And just imagine how fab HRH The Duke of York we’ll feel when he’s proven right for being a Time Traveler Tours’ early adopter!
Here’s all you have to do:
Open the app store on your phone
Search for BURIED ALIVE by Time Traveler Tours
Install, download, and go!