Paul Zelinsky

14 Off-the-Beaten-Track Florence Must Dos

14 Off-the-Beaten-Track Florence Must Dos

My daughter Lily texted today with the news: Just finished my last exam of the semester!

That can mean only one thing: Summer will soon be upon us!

For those of you heading to Florence, Italy this year, I hope you'll find the following tips and recommendations useful. You can download a pdf of the same information to take with you to Florence by clicking here

Or read on here...

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Reflections on a Week Well Spent at #LA13SCBWI

Reflections on a Week Well Spent at #LA13SCBWI

As I Lay... Catching up on Missed Sleep

It was uplifting. It was exhausting.
It was inspirational, productive, and fun.
It was sublime. It was ridiculous.
If you get only one conference, let this be the one.

It was intense, but with mellow chocolate-martini-esque moments.
It was welcoming, supportive, collegial, and warm.
It was eye-popping, butt-kicking, heart-thumping, rockin’,
Motivational, sensational... quite far from the norm.

I met Max in his wolf suit, two Cruella Devilles,
I rubbed elbows with my secret mentors and stars.
I forged brand new connections, and forged former ones deeper.
I flirted with mascots with checks upon thars.

The Ave of the Stars never teemed with such talent,
of voices “post-discovered”, and those not quite yet.
It was the SCBWI-LA annual reunion.
A five-day marathon I will never forget.



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