Time Traveler Tours & Tales
I’m thrilled to announce that the team and I have just launched TTT&T’s Ultimate Family Travel FUNPack. Created for families – but perfect for any group on the move this season – our FUNpack promises to speed up long car journeys and fill wait times at airports and train stations with peals of laughter.
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We couldn’t have planned it better if we’d tried.
It all started back on April Fools’ Day. That’s when we initiated our 21-day campaign to engage the TTT&T community in the build-up to the unveiling, on 21 April, of Buried Alive: the Secret Michelangelo Took to His Grave. We appealed to all of you then to snap a selfie while holding the name of your #HistoryHero on a piece of paper and lots of you did!
Well, three unanticipated things happened off the back of that initiative that touched the hearts of my team members and me, and got our collective creative imagination flowing…
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Same story. New look. New name.
You gave us your feedback and we listened. Throughout our beta-testing process, many of you confided that you didn’t really understand the meaning of the title In the Footsteps of Giants: Michelangelo, the Medici & David. Others let it be known that this title was not only confusing, but a bit too academic.
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As I write this post, Team TTT&T’s Oliver Latsch is in Utah, USA, interviewing Gail Halvorsen, aka “The Candy Bomber,” aka “Uncle Wiggly Wings,” aka “The Chocolate Pilot.” He's the post-WWII US military flyer who, in 1948, came up with an ingenious idea for delivering treats to the children of Berlin, then trapped by Soviet Russia's blockade of the city. Gail's story is the inspiration for Oliver’s upcoming Time Traveler Tour to Berlin, slated for publication in 2018.
When the Soviet blockade of the western sectors of the German capital began, the city only had 36 days worth of food for its 2 million inhabitants. Coal for energy and medical supplies were running perilously low as well. Neither train nor automobile nor river barge could penetrate the Soviet sphere of influence that surrounded Berlin.
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At Time Traveler Tours we combine the traditional power of narrative with the magic of the touchscreen to #TurnHistoryOn. We put the story back in history to ensure that no one says, “History is boring!” ever again.
This is our unique proposition: the value-add we bring to the worlds of museum education and educational tourism.
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