Same story. New look. New name.
You gave us your feedback and we listened. Throughout our beta-testing process, many of you confided that you didn’t really understand the meaning of the title In the Footsteps of Giants: Michelangelo, the Medici & David. Others let it be known that this title was not only confusing but a bit too academic.
Motivated by our goal to never be boring, we reached out to ask your help in finding a more fitting name.
We hereby announce the new title of Time Traveler Tours & Tales’ launch story, written in collaboration with Mary Hoffman:
Buried Alive: The Secret Michelangelo Took to His Grave
Thanks to all of you who participated in the decision-making process!
We’re so grateful to know you’re out there helping us to #TurnHistoryOn, for a past neglected is too easily repeated. There has never been a more important time to promote historical and cultural literacy. Help us spread the word: #HistoryMattersNow.
Back in a couple of weeks,
Sarah & Team TTT&T